June 23, 2024

Worship live on Sundays in person at 10:00 am,
or on YouTube at noon.

led by Dana


from Psalm 79:8-9
Leader: Do not hold against us the sins of past generations; may Your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.
People: Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of Your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for Your name’s sake.

Jesus, our only Savior, You renounced the way of ease for the way of truth and life. Draw us to seek God’s Kingdom whatever the cost, for the sake of the true treasure in heaven. Amen.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father!
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness,
Great is Thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided —
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.


Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow —
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


Covenant Hymnal, #78

Romans 4:1-8

What then are we to say was gained by Abraham, our ancestor according to the flesh? For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.” Now to one who works, wages are not reckoned as a gift but as something due. But to one who does not work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, such faith is reckoned as righteousness. So also David pronounces a blessing on those to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works:

“Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven
    and whose sins are covered;
blessed is the one against whom the Lord will not reckon sin.”

The goodness of the Lord is the kindness of the Lord
With ev’ry breath we take, the gift of life and grace
The power of the Lord is the meekness of the Lord
Who bore humanity with brave humility

Let Your mercy flow through us
Your mercy, Your mercy
Let Your mercy flow through us
Your mercy, Your mercy

The beauty of the Lord is the suff’ring of the Lord
Is Christ upon a tree, stripped of dignity
The glory of the Lord is the mercy of the Lord
Gives life for us to see a new humanity


bridge 1
When they see us, may they see
Your mercy, Your mercy
When they know us, may they know
Your mercy, Your mercy
When they see us, may they see
Your mercy, Your mercy
When they know us, may they know
Your mercy, Your mercy

Let Your mercy flow through us
Your mercy, Your mercy
Let Your mercy flow through us
Your mercy, Your mercy

bridge 2
Bless the hands and feet
Of those who serve in need
Of the broken and ashamed
Bless the weary soul
The Lord will make us whole
God, speak peace to those afraid
May the words we speak
Build a bridge for peace
Your loving kindness shows the way
Open up our doors
Giving refuge for
All the weary and afraid…


Let Your mercy flow through us
Your mercy, Your mercy

David Gungor / Latifah Alattas / Madison Cunningham © Porter’s Gate Publications; Porter’s Gate Publishing. Administrated by Essential Music Publishing LLC


Children 6 and under are dismissed to Children’s Church in the upstairs lounge. Parents can pick up their children in the lounge after the service.

The Creative Accountant
Luke 16:1-13
Pastor Ryan

We are a new creation
Of Christ, the living Word.
Our song of jubilation
Shall everywhere be heard.
New life blooms fresh and glorious
For those who heed the call
Of Christ who reigns victorious
O’er sin and death and all.

We are a new creation
Of God for this new day.
As partners let us follow
The life, the truth, the way.
Christ bids us work together
As colleagues, old and young,
As women, men, and nations,
God’s own of ev’ry tongue.

We are a new creation
For service here on earth.
We live our faith in action
To tell our Savior’s worth.
Let love and justice blending
Now show for all to see
God’s grace is never ending.
It reaches you and me.

We are a new creation
By God’s own gracious hand,
Old burdens cast behind us,
A daring future planned.
In ministry and mission,
United let us live,
In Christ a shining vision
To God’s wide world to give.

Covenant Hymnal, #590

We continue to pray for: Nikolas Arden; Messian Burgos; Frank Coszach; Vira Coszach; Art & Rosa Hamilton; Trevor Hanks; Mary McKirchy; Sara Rosado; Kathy Sager; Mary Smith; Iris Velez; and Lauren Vilardo

Ministries & Mission
Becci Swearingen, serving in Kenya; Barb & Steve Swanson, serving in Sweden

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.  Amen.

giving opportunities: ravenscov.org/giving/
Zelle® to: giving@ravenscov.org

Ludwig van Beethoven
led by Cynthia

Praise God from whom all blessings flow 
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Come! Live in the light! Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
We are called to be light for the kingdom,
To live in the freedom of the city of God.

We are called to act with justice,
We are called to love tenderly;
We are called to serve one another,
Walk humbly with God.

Come! Open your heart! Show your mercy to all those in fear!
We are called to be hope for the hopeless,
So hatred and blindness will be no more.

Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one!
God will reign, and we will walk with each other,
As sisters and brothers united in love.

L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord
P: Thanks be to God

In Dulce Jubilo
J.S. Bach
led by Cynthia

We’ll be back here next Sunday. We hope you can join us. Information on ravenscov.org.

Please wear a nametag
We’ve had a number of visitors and new attendees lately, and it’s very important that we not only welcome them warmly to our church but also allow them to attach a name to a face. We’re asking everyone to return to our old practice of wearing nametags on Sunday morning. Blank nametags and Sharpies will be available both in the narthex and in the sanctuary.

New Covenant Home Altar available
The new issue of the Covenant Home Altar, the daily devotional magazine of the Evangelical Covenant Church, is now available for free in the narthex. Pick one up and let it help you with your own devotional life!

Farmers market
Wednesday’s intense heat kept the numbers down (and the bounce house down as well) at the farmer’s market, but there were still well over 500 adults and lots of children on hand who visited our vendors and, in the case of the children, took advantage of our water-based activities to stay cool.

We have openings for RECC greeting tent staff, children’s art tent staff, bounce house monitors, as well as people who can help to set up and/or take down the market.

This is not necessarily a commitment to the full span of the market; whenever you can help out would be great! For more information, please contact Bekah Carlson or leave your name and contact info at the church office.

Cooler Sunday
Today is Cooler Sunday! The fourth Sunday of each month of summer — June 23, July 28, and August 25 — will be a Cooler Sunday, which will again feature grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and a potluck meal. Please plan to join us after the service today for fun, food, and fellowship!

Church garden plots available
Are you a gardener, or would you like to become one? Ravenswood Covenant has free garden plots available along the north boundary of the church parking lot. if you would like to claim a plot, please contact the church office at 773-784-7091 or at office@ravenscov.org.

Scripture reader sign-up
We are seeking people to read the scripture passages of the day as part of the worship services this summer. If you are willing to be a scripture reader in June, July, or August, please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the church office or in the narthex on Sundays, or contact Gregory Sager or Pastor Ryan.

Pastor Ryan’s office hours
Pastor Ryan’s office hours at church are typically Tuesday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you would like to meet with Pastor Ryan please call the church office in advance to schedule an appointment.

Coffee hour changes
There is now a coffee hour bulletin board downstairs in the fellowship hall! (It’s right next to the kids’ serving window.) Please look there for updated serving instructions as well as to find out what team you’re on. We’ve had some turnover, so we encourage you to sign up to join a serving team if you haven’t done so already. A self-sign-up will now be available on the board so that you can pick which Sundays work best for you. As always, thanks for serving!

Thursday evening Bible study
The weekly Bible study meets Thursdays at 7:00 pm. This week we began studying the book of Ecclesiastes. The Bible study meets in the upstairs lounge. For more information, please contact Gregory Sager in the church office at (773) 784-7091 or office@ravenscov.org.

We now have Zoom available again for those who would like to take part in the Bible study but cannot be physically present. The Zoom link for the Bible study is:


Meeting ID: 839 2337 6849
Passcode: 318853

Join Us in Sponsoring a Student in the NPTS SRA Program
North Park’s School of Restorative Arts offers a MA in Christian Ministry and Restorative Arts, allowing free and incarcerated students to study together. This unique degree program is designed to prepare individuals for ministries of restoration in contexts susceptible to violence and includes courses in trauma, race relations, nonviolent communication, conflict transformation, restorative practices, and transformative justice, in addition to Bible, theology, and history.  In partnership with the Illinois Department of Corrections, this four-year degree is currently offered at Stateville Correctional Center with 80 incarcerated men and a first cohort of 20 women at Logan Correctional Center.

We, Ravenswood Covenant Church, have partnered with North Park Theological Seminary by committing to sponsor a student in this program. To help us support an SRA student please send a check to church or give online and in the memo line write: “SRA Sponsorship.”

Scripture for next Sunday
Luke 18:1-8
Romans 5:1-11

Art Used in this Bulletin: Steve Erspamer, SM
Clip Art for Year A © 1992, Archdiocese of Chicago.

Our church exists to love and worship God, and love and care for others. By God’s grace, we commit to help people find and follow Jesus Christ through the guidance of His Spirit and His word.

"With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade." (Mark 4:30-32 NRS)