Worship live on Sundays in person at 11: 00 am, or on YouTube at noon.
Everyone is invited!
Join Ravenswood Community Farmers Market for their winter series cozy indoor Farmers Market, Saturdays at All Saints Episcopal Church Parish Hall (1757 West Wilson) from 10 am to 2 pm!
Here’s the featured vendor list:
Fresh Eggs, Mushrooms, and Meats from Farmer John Patyk Patyk Farms
Macarons and Fresh Baked Sourdough Bread by Nena’s Sweet Treats @nenassweettreat
Fresh Roasted Coffee by Pride Coffee Roasters
Cookies, English Scones, Cakes, and Savory Pies from Hilary’s Cookies
Plus, the full vendor lineup includes:
• Monarch Beauty Farm Monarch Beauty Flower Farm
•Lincoln Ice Cream Company (Hot Cocoa Bombs!) Lincoln Ice Cream Company
•DFG Designs & The Alchemy Kitchen @dfgdesigns
•Cathie’s K9 Treats
•EE Mercantile Co. E E Mercantile & Co.
•Nonie’s Bees Nonie’s Bees
•Tamales Express Tamales Express
•Gather Good Food
Enjoy live music, hot beverage and visit the kids activity table sponsored by Ravenswood Covenant Church!
Stop by and support our local businesses. Don’t miss the warm vibes indoors, shop local goods, and be part of the Ravenswood community fun! See you there!
We invite all children to join us at Ravenswood Covenant for Sunday School, which meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 am!
Faith Forum, Ravenswood Covenant’s adult Christian education class that meets during the 10:00 am Sunday School hour during the school year, is returning on September 15. This year’s edition of Faith Forum will feature a series of teachers who will each explore a topic over a one-month period. The first teacher will be LeRoy Carlson, who will lead a series in September on the theology of worship, focusing upon the Covenant Book of Worship, the worship handbook used by the Covenant’s pastors, chaplains, and worship leaders.
Treats and coffee are provided each week. Join us in the upstairs lounge every Sunday in Faith Forum!
Ravenswood Evangelical Covenant Church has been actively serving our neighborhood since 1887. We are a welcoming, intergenerational, and diverse congregation that proclaims, responds to, and shares God’s Good News to each other, our community, and the world.
Welcome to the new Ravenswood Community Farmers Market! The new market is a collaboration of vendors, local businesses, residents, and Ravenswood Evangelical Covenant Church. The market is open every Wednesday from 4 pm – 8 pm in the church parking lot, and runs from May to the middle of October. This year’s market features food-only vendors with a focus on ready-to-eat food on site. The church has lots of kids activities throughout the season, including the bouncy house, science activities, and water games. Patyk Farms, Hilary’s Cookies, and Tamales Express are among the vendors. For more information, check out the Ravenswood Community Farmers Market page on Facebook. Come join us at the market!
Gregory Sager, our church administrator and one of our Bible teachers at Ravenswood Covenant, leads a Thursday night Bible study that is currently studying the Gospel of Luke. The Bible study meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm. For more information, please contact Gregory Sager in the church office at office@ravenscov.org or at 773-784-7091.
We have three other churches that share our building. Chicago Zomi Bethel Church began worshiping in our space in March 2022. CZBC is a small congregation consisting of immigrants from the Asian nation of Myanmar. CZBC meets in the older (sanctuary) half of our building at 3 pm every Sunday. In June 2022, Lakeview Seventh-Day Adventist Church began worshiping in our building on Saturdays at 8 am. Lakeview SDA is a Spanish-speaking church that formerly worshiped in the building of the now-closed Immanuel Evangelical Covenant Church, across Foster Avenue from Swedish Hospital. And this past fall we were joined by our Spanish-speaking sister church within the Evangelical Covenant denomination, Iglesia del Pacto Evangelico Gracias, which formerly worshiped in the Grace Covenant Church building at the corner of Monticello and Belle Plaine, but now worships in our space at 12:30 pm every Sunday.
Be sure to greet and welcome our Christian brothers and sisters from these other churches if you meet them!
Continued Giving : Folks have been asking how to continue their generosity as part of worship. You can always mail tithes and offerings: 4900 North Damen, Chicago, IL, 60625. Options for electronic giving can be found at https://ravenscov.org/giving. In this unique time if you’d like to give an extra gift specifically to our benevolence fund, make a note of that on your gift. There will be many needs to be met.

Our Mission Statement: Ravenswood Evangelical Covenant Church exists to love and worship God, and love and care for others. By God’s grace, we commit to help people find and follow Jesus Christ through the guidance of his Spirit and his word.
(Adopted March 8, 2006.)
Our Denomination: The Evangelical Covenant Church:
Ravenswood Evangelical Covenant Church is part of the Evangelical Covenant Church, a rapidly growing multiethnic denomination in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world. Founded in 1885 by Swedish immigrants, the ECC values the Bible as the word of God, the gift of God’s grace, and ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through a faith in Jesus Christ, the importance of extending God’s love and compassion to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity.
The Evangelical Covenant Church is:
- Evangelical, but not exclusive
- Biblical, but not doctrinaire
- Traditional, but not rigid
- Congregational, but not independent
The ECC is a non-creedal church built around key evangelical, reformation, Protestant principles such as being biblical, relational, devotional, and missional. These four aspects of our ecclesiology are represented in the Covenant Church logo.
Our denomination also holds to six core affirmations that unite us across our diversity: Centrality of the Word of God, Necessity of New Birth, the Whole Mission to the Whole Church, the Fellowship of Believers, Reliance on the Holy Spirit, and Freedom in Christ.