February 19, 2023

Worship live on Sundays in person,
or on YouTube at 10:45 am.

Children’s Sunday School for ages K-7th grade at 9:30 am in-person.
Faith Forum (adult Sunday School) at 9:30 am in person and on Zoom.


led by Dana


from Psalm 41:7-10a
Leader: All who hate me whisper together about me;
    they imagine the worst for me.
People: They think that a deadly thing has fastened on me,
    that I will not rise again from where I lie.

Leader: Even my close friend in whom I trusted,
    who ate of my bread, has lifted the heel against me.
All: But you, O Lord, be gracious to me,
    and raise me up.

If you will only let God guide you,
And hope in Him through all your ways,
Whatever comes, He’ll stand beside you,
To bear you through the evil days;
Who trusts in God’s unchanging love
Builds on the Rock that cannot move.

Only be still, and wait His leisure
In cheerful hope, with heart content;
To take whatever the Father’s pleasure
And all discerning love have sent;
Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
To Him who chose us for His own.

Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving,
But do your part in conscience true;
And trust His Word, though undeserving,
So shall they be fulfilled in you;
God hears the call of those in need,
The souls that trust in Him indeed.

Covenant Hymnal, #401

Matthew 16:24 –17:8

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any wish to come after Me, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me. 25 For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for My sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?

27 “For the Son of Man is to come with His angels in the glory of his Father, and then He will repay everyone for what has been done. 28 Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”

17 Six days later, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became bright as light. Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. Then Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will set up three tents here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with Him I am well pleased; listen to Him!” When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were overcome by fear. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Get up and do not be afraid.” And when they raised their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone.

Reader: The word of the Lord
People: Thanks be to God!

How long, will you turn Your face away?
How long, do You hear us when we pray?
On and on, still we walk this pilgrim way
How long?

How long, till Your children find the rest?
How long, till You draw them to your breast?
We go on, holding to Your promises
How long?

Till You wipe away the tears from every eye
Till we see our home descending from the sky
Do we wait in vain?
Jesus, give us hope again

How long, till Your word will still the storm?
How long, till You bare your mighty arm?
How we grow, till you snatch us from the thorns
How long?

Till You wipe away the tears from every eye
Till we see our home descending from the sky
Do we wait in vain?
Jesus, give us hope again

Amen, Jesus, come
Amen, Jesus, come
Amen, Jesus, come
Amen, Jesus, come
Amen, Jesus, come

The Porter’s Gate: Isaac Wardell
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com

Pastor Mark

Children 6 and under are dismissed to Children’s Church in the upstairs lounge. Parents can pick up their children in the lounge after the service.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Don’t lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He will direct your paths.
Al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, and
He will direct your paths.  

The Only Way Out is Through
Dan Teefey

Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand,
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light,
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.

When my way grows drear,
Precious Lord, linger near,
When my life is almost gone,
Hear my cry, hear my call,
Hold my hand lest I fall,
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home

When the darkness appears,
And the night draws near,
And my day is past and gone,
At the river I stand,
Guide my feet, hold my hand;
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.

Covenant Hymnal, #413

We continue to pray for: Nikolas Arden, Messian Burgos, the family of Samuel Carlson (Linda Carlson), Frank Coszach, Vira Coszach, the family of Larry Fricke (Bekah Carlson), Pedro Gomez, Art & Rosa Hamilton, Mary McKirchy, Shirley Nicholas, our Pastoral Search Committee, Mary Smith, and Steve Staurseth

Ministries & Mission
Celia & David Stockamp, serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Barb & Steve Swanson, serving in Sweden

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.  Amen.

giving opportunities: ravenscov.org/giving/
Zelle® to: giving@ravenscov.org

“Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”
led by choir ensemble

Praise God from whom all blessings flow 
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

You are my shepherd faithful forever
Your hand is strong where my faith is weak
Close as my heartbeat, You won’t forsake me
You are the love that will carry me

And I won’t be afraid
I will trust Your heart and say

I will never, ever, ever walk alone
You are with us for us, always holding on
Though I wander, Your love goes further
You are my hope and future
I will never walk alone

Questions may haunt us, casting a shadow
Still You’re the hope and the fire in me
I will not tremble, I will not stumble
You are my courage, my bravery

Surely Your goodness and mercy
Will light up the way set before me
Surely Your grace will pursue me
All my days, all my days

CCLI Song # 7047088 CCLI License # 349090
Rend Collective © Thankyou Music

L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord
P: Thanks be to God

Tiento de Falsas del Sexto Tono
Sebastian Aguilera de Heredia
led by Cynthia

We’ll be back here next Sunday. We hope you can join us. Information on ravenscov.org.

Worship update
The Leadership Team of Ravenswood Covenant Church recommends mask use during services, but this is not mandatory.

Ravenswood Covenant livestreams worship each week on YouTube, so Sunday morning worship is accessible to anyone who has Internet access.

Our Guest Preacher
Today’s guest preacher is Dan Teefey, an ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church who served Ravenswood Covenant as interim pastor in 2008. Dan currently serves as the executive director of the Tracy Family Foundation in Mount Sterling, IL.

Ash Wednesday services
Brief Ash Wednesday services, including the voluntary imposition of ashes, will be held at Ravenswood Covenant this coming Wednesday, February 22, at 6 am and 7 pm. 

Scripture reader volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to read scripture during the worship services. Whether you worship with us in the sanctuary or online, we can accommodate anyone who wants to participate in the services. Please contact Erin Stoel or the church office.

Choir resumes for Easter season
The church choir is now rehearsing in preparation for the Lenten and Easter seasons. It isn’t too late to join! Choir rehearsal is at 8:30 am on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. Everyone is encouraged to participate, regardless of experience or music-reading ability.

Community Dinners
Thursday night community dinners are our main community gathering occasions during the work week. Our next Thursday night community dinner will be this coming Thursday, February 23, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. The suggested donation for the dinner is $5 for individuals and $10 for families.

Trevor Nicholas piece to premiere at Ravinia in March
Save the date for March 4 at 7 pm at Ravinia’s Bennett Gordon Hall, as Trevor Nicholas will be premiering a new piece with the Senn Arts vocalists in collaboration with Cor Cantiamo and Dr. Eric Johnson from Northern Illinois University. The tickets are free, but you must have one to attend the concert. You can obtain the tickets via this link. We would love to have our Ravenswood friends join us for this fun evening of music!

Indoor Playground
Indoor Playground is back! Our weekly cold-weather opportunity to let young children run around in our gym, play with toys, and use the bounce house has begun again. Indoor Playground will be open every Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.

Aid for Ukrainian refugees
Jeremy and Amanda Foster, who attend our church, have a direct connection to a mission that is serving refugees who have fled Ukraine following the Russian invasion. Jeremy’s parents Don and Beatrice Foster are in Hazebrouck, France as tentmaker missionaries and have prepared rooms in their home for refugees coming from Ukraine.

If you would like to donate to help the Fosters pay for extra food and supplies, please give a donation to Ravenswood Covenant that is specially designated for Ukrainian refugees. If you would like to give directly online, the website for the Fosters is https://ukraine.la-ferme-de-la-papote.com/ .

The Covenant denomination is also raising funds for Ukraine through Covenant World Relief. Here is the link if you would like to donate through the Covenant’s program. https://giving.covchurch.org/priorities-detail/ukraine-response

Thursday evening Bible study
The weekly Bible study meets Thursdays at 7 pm. We are currently studying the book of Romans. The Bible study meets in the lounge, and is also accessible by Zoom. For more information, please contact Gregory Sager in the church office at (773) 784-7091 or office@ravenscov.org

Join Zoom Meeting

The Zoom meeting ID for the Bible study:  972 871 4458
The Zoom passcode for the Bible study: 1qa3CD

Join Us in Sponsoring a Student in the NPTS SRA Program
North Park’s School of Restorative Arts offers a MA in Christian Ministry and Restorative Arts, allowing free and incarcerated students to study together. This unique degree program is designed to prepare individuals for ministries of restoration in contexts susceptible to violence and includes courses in trauma, race relations, nonviolent communication, conflict transformation, restorative practices, and transformative justice, in addition to Bible, theology, and history.  In partnership with the Illinois Department of Corrections, this four-year degree is currently offered at Stateville Correctional Center with 80 incarcerated men and a first cohort of 20 women at Logan Correctional Center.

We, Ravenswood Covenant Church, have partnered with North Park Theological Seminary by committing to sponsor a student in this program. To help us support an SRA student please send a check to church or give online and in the memo line write: “SRA Sponsorship.”

RECC preaching schedule for February
February 5: T.R. Ahlstrom
February 12: Pastor Mark
February 19: Dan Teefey
February 26: Chaplain Jim Stoel

Scripture for next Sunday
Matthew 18:15-35
Psalm 32:1-2

Art Used in this Bulletin: Steve Erspamer, SM
Clip Art for Year A © 1992, Archdiocese of Chicago.

Our church exists to love and worship God, and love and care for others. By God’s grace, we commit to help people find and follow Jesus Christ through the guidance of His Spirit and His word.

"With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade." (Mark 4:30-32 NRS)